Replied to a tweet by The Infinite Herd @everythingabili (
If Twitter killed the RT and the # it could only be better for the world. They didn't make this monster, they just did what the monster wanted for 10 years, in the hope of making millions. They've done that, perhaps now they need shutting down.

@everythingabili See, likes are private, no follower counts,  RT not available: What’s the difference between and Twitter? – Help.

Hey Pressto! Conference 2020 – A WordPress and ClassicPress conference which happens only on Twitter  #HeyPresstoConf20 organised by Phil Barker (@philbarker) and Pat Lockley  (@pgogy).

It seems to follow on from the 2020 PressEdConf Conference ( I took part in the 2018 one)

Plenty of interesting ideas, for example,  the strong mention of classic WordPress and the Environmental Policy.

A while back I wondered about participating in PressEd using a blog and bridgy that might be an interesting way to take IndieWeb ideas to Hey Pressto.

Fascinating watch

More on Fawkes This is really fascinating stuff.
Including Binaries for MacOS/Windows/Linux
This is a commandline thing, but the instructions are fairly straightforward.

My test took a bit longer than 40 seconds per image. I can see a wee bit difference and there is a fair increase in file size. I wonder if the cloaking survives resizing or other image operations.

Update, the first run produced png files, I then read the help and set the format for output to jpg. That made the file size a lot smaller. 140 KB as opposed to the original 828 KB

I guess this ort of thing could be built in to image editors.

via: John Naughton Thursday 23 July, 2020 | Memex 1.1