Replied to Athole on Twitter (Twitter)
“I’m very concerned about the stream of stories about safeguarding issues with Zoom. The dangers of a ‘free tech tool.’ My grade safeguarded student video conf participation (adult in room etc) but the software itself seems fundamentally flawed. Thoughts / suggestions?”

I wonder about Etherpad which I just found out has video. Free, but without the problem of “commercial free”.  Not sure about security cc @johnmclear

Zoom seems a bit of an ethical & security disaster but I think there are plenty of other worries around equity of support, environment and devices.

Etherpad being open source is certainly a positive.

Ive used etherpad in the past, a quick test of the video version shows it works fine on iPad and iPhone. A moot point for me as I think North Lanarkshire will be instructions us to use Teams.

In a primary setting I think there is a lot more to think about around video conferencing, at the moment I don’t think it is a golden bullet for our current problems.

Replied to David Gilmour on Twitter (Twitter)
“Education in Times of Crisis and Beyond: Maximizing Copyright Flexibilities - @johnjohnston @TheoKL”

Open education is not a short-term fix to a passing problem—it is a long-term solution to ensuring equitable, inclusive access to effective educational resources and learning opportunities.

In the same way open science is better science (the world is sharing COVID-19 research to create a vaccine), open education is better education.

So good, thanks David. Also, IMO, as much as possible should be accessible by the simplest tech.

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