Replied to Athole on Twitter (Twitter)
“So many teachers I follow are ALWAYS teachers. It’s quite draining to be honest. Some of the best teachers I’ve ever seen working with kids were NOT teachers. I often think it’s healthier to think ‘what would I do (and think) if I were not a teacher?’ Especially right now.”

I guess we all show a slice of our lives online. Some folk keep the slice narrow, others widen it a bit.

Replied to Paul Cochrane Esq, C.B.A. on Twitter (Twitter)
“@ty_goddard @Sfm36 @claganach @kirstymcfaul Only problem? Kids don’t use it.”

I don’t think it is down to the pupils. I think that depends on their teachers & schools. If it is part of learning in school they will use it for that. And for staff who are not confident with digital it give at least some assurances & help.

Glow services goes through rigorous data protection. There are plenty of digital enthusiasts who could can find and incorporate “better” tools or ones that meet the needs of their particular classrooms. That might lack a little on the safety front and many be difficult to sustain. Having a national solution avoids some of those problems.