I’ve tried lots of ways to read and keep up with blogs, I mostly use Vienna a desktop aggregator at the moment because it is free and has appleScript support, which allows some simple recycling of information (example).
I’ve tried netvibes, suprglu, home portals and a host of others.
But the one I really like is lilina: this example gives me the postings from 30 odd Scots Edu Blogs sorted by date, I know a few of the other solutions are supposed to do this, but they do not seem to get it quite right, bunching posts from one blog together rather than splitting them mixing them with the others and time sorting them.
The example is a bit slow, but it is running of a machine in my house which is a fairly amateurish setup. It is also missing all the edublogs.org blogs as edublogs.org was having a bit of trouble with bloglines yesterday, ironically this problem was caused by bloglines. I’ll add them later if this looks like being useful.
Hopefully Scots Edu Blog Daily lilina might mature into a useful Scot-Edu-blog tool.
Before August 2014 I used disqus for comments, so this form shows up on older posts.
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