I just posted some news to the scotedublogs aggregation blog but it looks like there might be a wee problem with wordpress.com:
So I am going to post it here too and Andrew might be best staying with self hosting after all
I posted about the new feature
has added, a Stats page. This looks as if it might be useful analysing what goes on in the SEB world. The first thing I noticed was the post dinner peak you can also see the dip at the weekend, when I do most of my blogging.
has also added a ScotEduBlogs Wiki to the ScotEduBlogs site.
I was also going to post about the mockup for the ScotEduBlogs.org.uk site which I’ve just updated.
Since we have had no entries over at scotedublogs » ScotEduBlogs Logo I made the logo myself. Please let me know what you think about the design here or join in the discussion at the scotedublogs development group.
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