This is a experiment with mixing a couple of APIs the Giphy one and the freesound api. I used neocities to host the page for free to try that site out.
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Gif the Dub

This is a experiment with mixing a couple of APIs the Giphy one and the freesound api. I used neocities to host the page for free to try that site out.
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This is a little bit of fun I’ve been playing with Random Flickr Blendr
It blends random Flickr Images. I’ve blogged a bit about the process on my DS106 blog:
The featured image on this post is a screenshot from Flickr Blendr, the images blened are: Racetrack – Death Valley, United States – Landscape photography and
Split Decisions both are shared under a Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic — CC BY-NC 2.0 license.