Audio Player
Audio Player

Audioboom, formally audioboo has changed its terms and is now a paid service with no free tier.

6 thoughts on “Microcast 10: audio boo boo

    • Hi Aaron,
      I’ve been dabbling in indieweb for a while now and always liked hosting my own. But sometimes the afordances of a silo are attractive. The ability to take audio contributions from anyone is hard to replicate.
      Luckily the larger edutalk files are on on own site.
      I am testing some scripts. We did manage to move from posterous to WordPress but it was hard work. Posterous supplied a nice export but audio files were not handled well:(
      AudioBoom has an api, but afaik no well define route.
      I’m having a hard job at the moment adding attachments through the metaweblog API, but I hope to get there or find an alternative.

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