I was delighted the other day to find out that markdown works in #MicrosoftTeams, now less so when using it for a purpose. Pasting markdown seems broken. A pretty unimportant thing but it would save me some time.
I was delighted the other day to find out that markdown works in #MicrosoftTeams, now less so when using it for a purpose. Pasting markdown seems broken. A pretty unimportant thing but it would save me some time.
Pretty sure it’s working in Etherpad if you wanna try that. I think the markdown plugin is live on video.etherpad.com
It shows markdown as formatting, you can view the markdown by clicking settings > show markdown
heh, Thanks John, sound good but my school is using Teams, don’t think it is the time to switch technologies;-)
I use vi, nano, atom, Etherpad, notepad, wordpad, word, docs; just for text editing. I know you are a smart cookie and you know I’m not saying to “switch” but to “compliment” you tool chain with something that actually works 😀
Similar here, without vi, I was hoping I could create md and paste into teams. Unfortunately teams seems to be interpreting as you type rather on posting. Got a script to make markdown links from tabs which would have been cool to blast list of links. Minor snag in these times.
Just read this… it has been a while since I’ve used ether pad, now, hmm….
Yea we’re gonna prolly have to release Etherpad “Live” or something to get eyeballs back on the project. Things got stale when I was busy doing M&A’s/young fam and @PitaPoison discovered a world beyond a keyboard <3 😀
It was so easy to use wasn’t it? Wish I could remember why we stopped using it at school.