Composition: manhole and chain by 10b travelling
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Why you should learn to code
Primarily you should do it because you love it, because it’s fun — because it’s wonderful to create machines with your mind. Hugely empowering. Emotionally gratifying. Software is math-in-motion. It’s a miracle of the mind. And if you can do it, really well, there’s absolutely nothing like it.
from: Thread: Why you should learn to code by Dave Winer We seen lots of arguments about why kids should learn to code recently this is to my mind the best. I could not describe myself as a programmer but I’ve tinkered with various things in a amateur way for years and had a ton of fun. Some interesting comments on this one.
How you Should learn to code?
LiveCode is like a next generation version of HyperCard. It is used to create #1 one app store apps, real-time flight booking systems and control satellites. It is used to create simple one off apps and utilities to solve day-to-day problems.
from: Next Generation LiveCode (Open Source) by RunRev Ltd — Kickstarter RunRev, Edinburgh based, had a kickstarter project to opensource their programming environment, this project successfully raised its funding goal (I backed it). You will soon be able to download an opensource version to use on non commercial projects.
Future Glow
Mr Russell, it is timeto form the agile group to start moving things forward. The technologists within ScottishEducation are some of the most passionate practitioners you will ever meet withinternational reputations and growing global experience. We will continue tosupport and advise when we are asked – but you need to ask and wewill always be honest.
Unfortunately it is ourhonesty that scares some of the bureaucrats who work within our system,
These are exciting timesfor Scottish Education and Technology for Learning, but I hope we can now startto move forward together and not in isolated silos of innovation.
from: OllieBray.com: Scotland’s Technology for Learning: A Tipping Point by far the best thing I’ve read about glow, if you are a Scottish educator please read this now. If you are Mike Russell please do this now!
Why I love DS106
Rust on rust, as a metaphor doesn’t really get me far, in fact, in explaining myself, so I’ve decided to switch metaphors yet again, and talk using a cooking metaphor.
[That should help to make the purpose of this post even clearer. (Least you wonder too much, this is a digitally-told story, after all, about computer stuff and coding, and framed with a historical reference to a truly great science-fiction TV show and some geeky characters, and built around ds106radio, so indulge me …)]
from: My Kung Fu has Rust on Its Rust | de•tri•tus I got a mention in this post but that is not why I love it and ds106
Good News
Good news for audio on the web: the latest nightly builds of Firefox on Windows 7 have H.264 and MP3 support enabled by default! Work is ongoing to bring these features to the Mac OS X and Linux versions.
from: Firefox on Windows 7 gets H.264 and MP3 support – HTML5 Audio great news for folk interested in simplifying the playing of media on the web.
Five Bucks or £2.99
Think about this — for five bucks, Adobe Photoshop Touch for iPhone can do more than the Mac desktop version of Photoshop 3.0 which cost hundreds. I still have those floppies.
from: Photo App Review: Adobe Photoshop Touch for iPhone » Life In LoFi: iPhoneography mobile apps are interesting in that they bring a lot of power to users very cheaply.
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