Replied to a reply by Ton Zijlstra (
In reply to a bookmark by John Johnston The templates contain what I want to have inside a blogposting for a reply, favourite, bookmark, rsvp or check-in. I apply them before I submit something to WordPress, so they are fully outside of my blog and get send as HTML to my blog. Two main ways: if I ty...

Thanks Ton, Having your own snippets sounds like a great idea. As I post via the class & block editor and using TextMate at different times a method independent of my blog would work for me.

Liked Microformats2, WordPress and Featured Images Classes (Miklb's Mindless Ramblings)
In my exhuberance to post an image along with articles syndicaed from my site to Twitter, I hastily started adding the microformats2 class u-photo. I didn’t know better. It was brought to my attention that u-photo is meant for actual photo posts, where the image is the primary content. An experime...

Hopefully adding the u-featured class to my featured images, using code from Microformats2, WordPress and Featured Images Classes – Miklb’s Mindless Ramblings.