Teachers use of the iPads in their lessons began primarily as substitutive in nature, but has seen an increased in augmented uses and in some cases, teachers even redefining how they teach. Teachers across the board desired more training and support when it comes to integration of the iPad in their daily lessons.
Student research and questioning suggests that it has transformed learning at an even greater rate than that of teaching. They have discovered new and creative ways to use the iPad to help them learn and collaborate…
from: Data and Analysis of a High School 1:1 iPad Program. «
Lots more interesting information in the post I was particularly interested in these two points. Based on my very brief visits to our, smaller, ipad 1-2-1 project classes I think we are seeing similar things. If the pupils are leading the way in finding new and creative ways to use the iPad to help them learn this should lead to an increased in augmented uses by teachers. Listening to some of our younger pupils talking about how they use the iPad I realised that my old comfort zone of knowing more about the tech that the learners has gone!
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