GifMovie a Plugin

I am much more excited about this than it warrants.

Hopefully just above this text you will see a canvas still image with a play button. Clicking on that should load a gif and an audio loop.

I’ve played with this sort of thing before but this is a bit more serious. A WordPress plugin!

There are a few plugins fro freezing a gif until clicked, the purpose of these is usually to save bandwidth, my plugin certainly does not. What is does in alows you to add a shortcode to a blog post:

[gifmovie gif="gifurl" mp3="mp3url"]

Where gifurl and mp3urls are proper urls.

So the one on this page looks like:

[gifmovie gif="" mp3=""]

When the page loads this turns into a img tag with the gif with a data-mp3 attribute equal to the MP3. Some javascript then, hides the gif and creates a canvas element showing a frame. It adds code to handle clicks. These click hide the canvas, show the gif and play the sound.

I’ve been using the plugin for a few prisoner106 posts so am going to count this as a prisoner106 post. It seem to have worked with out any problem. I’d consider it in Beta.

If you are interested in trying out the plugin leave me a comment or send me a DM.

Audio Credits: – “119 bpm house loop” by oceanictrancer licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

The Village Web Club

After all the commotion last night I was surprised to hear from the General this morning. She asked me to set up a new club. I was even more surprised to here the general taking over the morning announcements.

You should be able to hear the talk by clicking the image above, in case you can’t here is the transcript:

Good morning villagers, This is the General. Before we start today’s program of music there is some news and an announcement. The loud bang heard yesterday evening should not cause concern, and we strongly recommend you do not ask any questions about it. The Speed Learn program has been suspended and we are initiating a Group Learn project in it’s place. The Group learn project will start with the Village Web Club. Villagers are invited to join the club and learn together. This new style of learning requires no previous knowledge on the part of learners. There will be no teachers, no Guru and no method. Check out to find out more.

I’ve already got an account on the club, my home page is up.

The Village Web Club gives some basic information to get villagers started with the basics, as the general says we can all help each other get going. I hope the club will be popular as I suspect we can get some credits using it. Some people have also started a rumour that beneath the club there may be secret layers out of the Rover’s way. I am not going to discuss that here.

Making some Adjustments

As I had to get up early this morning I though I might make good use of my time. I popped into the Village shop and bought a screwdriver.

I wanted to have a closer look at the TV in my accommodation after last night’s blip.

I also need to get some more credits and decided on doing a wee bit of audio work. I am still trying to get an understanding of The Village by looking under the bonnet.

I had already taken a bit of audio from on of the surveillance tapes:

I ran it through the reverse filter in audacity:

Which was interesting and make some sort of sense if you are in a hypnagogia state. But it required further investigation. I found some instructions which lead to a new tool to add to my toolbox. PaulStretch is quite fascinating, and after spending quite some time testing the settings I fell back on the basic preset:


Feeding this into some video footage from the archives:

Tells us quite a lot about the state of Rover’s mind, or perhaps his master’s?

Some information

Movie clips extracted with MPEGStreamclip from video taken from dvd with HandBrake.

Movie clips concatenated with ffmpeg.

Slowed down with ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i -filter:v "setpts=4.0*PTS" rovercon.mp4
Which turned into mp4 too

Added the stretched audio:

ffmpeg -i rovercon.mp4 -i the-prisoner-backwards-strech.mp3 -map 0:0 -map 1:0   -shortest rovercon-audio.mp4

I am finding ffmpeg interesting as you can try different variations out quickly.

Rover normally seems to be a cold mechanical creature, this view suggests something deeper, organic perhaps, hints of ancient chants and secrets. Perhaps the Village is not as rational as we think.



Croaking a Good Morning


For week two of  prisoner106, one of the job we were asked to do was to take over the morning announcement for the Village for a day. Amid the recent disruptions I hope I can calm things down a bit.

Here is mine:

download good-morning

Announcement trumpet ripped from video file with MPEGStreamclip

Raven croaking recorded by myself with AudioBoo, a portent of upcoming events in the village?

‘Music’ more in the next post.

All put together in audacity, this post tagged for ds106 Assignments: Good Morning Message for The Village, 2 credits I think I’ll buy a screwdriver.

Adjusting the Set

As I’ve mentioned I’ve been mostly  keeping to my lodgings in The Village, not going out, thinking and dreaming.

Sometimes when I am half awake, watch tv, strange things happen.


There might be a clue in this ds106 Assignments as to what is going on, and I guess that the RSS feed might need:

I’ll be hearing strange sounds…