As I had to get up early this morning I though I might make good use of my time. I popped into the Village shop and bought a screwdriver.
I wanted to have a closer look at the TV in my accommodation after last night’s blip.
I also need to get some more credits and decided on doing a wee bit of audio work. I am still trying to get an understanding of The Village by looking under the bonnet.
I had already taken a bit of audio from on of the surveillance tapes:
Audio PlayerI ran it through the reverse filter in audacity:
Audio PlayerWhich was interesting and make some sort of sense if you are in a hypnagogia state. But it required further investigation. I found some instructions which lead to a new tool to add to my toolbox. PaulStretch is quite fascinating, and after spending quite some time testing the settings I fell back on the basic preset:
Audio Player
Feeding this into some video footage from the archives:
Tells us quite a lot about the state of Rover’s mind, or perhaps his master’s?
Some information
Movie clips extracted with MPEGStreamclip from video taken from dvd with HandBrake.
Movie clips concatenated with ffmpeg.
Slowed down with ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i -filter:v "setpts=4.0*PTS" rovercon.mp4
Which turned into mp4 too
Added the stretched audio:
ffmpeg -i rovercon.mp4 -i the-prisoner-backwards-strech.mp3 -map 0:0 -map 1:0 -shortest rovercon-audio.mp4
I am finding ffmpeg interesting as you can try different variations out quickly.
Rover normally seems to be a cold mechanical creature, this view suggests something deeper, organic perhaps, hints of ancient chants and secrets. Perhaps the Village is not as rational as we think.