Taking Command of Gifs

These are some notes on creating gifs and manipulating images on the command line on a mac. I am pretty much at the limit of my knowledge here so some of the details may be sketchy. It seems to me that this allows one to iterate through various ideas quite quickly. I do often take the result into Fireworks for some tweaking of colour palettes.

GIF IT UP – DigitalNZ is on.

Calling all GIF-makers, creatives, history nuts, and animators! GIF IT UP is a challenge coordinated by DigitalNZ and the Digital Public Library of America to find the best GIFs created from copyright-free heritage material.

The early entries look formidable GIF IT UP 2015, but I am trying out a few things in the hope of getting to something worth entering.

One of the suggested sites for source material is Europeana and I found a nice set of images: Book on Swordsmanship and Wrestling from the mid 15th century. I though a selection might make a nice flip-book. Here is the process:

Gather the images

This was a pretty manual process. I decided to grab the ones for fencing. Loaded each pages in the browser then right clicked and downloaded all of the jpgs to a folder.

Resizing images

I now start to use the terminal.

To move into the folder of downloaded jpegs I type cd and then drag in the folder, which gives me:

cd /Users/john/Desktop/DS106GifitUP15/swords2

I hit return and I am in the right folder to do some work.

Then I make a new folder for smaller pictures:
mkdir 500
This produces a folder called 500.

Next resize all the downloaded jpgs to smaller versions in the 500 folder:

for i in *.jpg; do sips --resampleWidth 500 $i --out 500/$i;done

What this does:
for i in *.jpg for every jpg

do sips --resampleWidth 500 $i --out 500/$i; sips in an image manipulating programme build into OS X, the $i variable refers in turn to each file. so for a file 5055078.jpg we are doing this:

sips --resampleWidth 500 5055078.jpg --out 500/5055078.jpg

done lets the loop know where to finish.

For all the jpgs, resize to 500 pixels wide putting resized version in the 500 folder with the same name as the source file. The semicolons separate sections of code creating a loop.

Making Gifs

I then cd 500 to move into the new folder and mkdir gifs to create a folder for gif files. Then:

for i in *.jpg; do sips -s format gif $i --out gifs/$i.gif;done

Which uses sips to create gifs from the jpgs, name like 5055078.jpg.gif Not the most beautiful names but these are only temporary files.


Now I had 49 single gifs, not yet animated. To animate them I use Gifsicle. This needs to be installed, there is an installer on that link or it can be installed through homebrew 1

49 frames is a few too many I decided to try 11. Gifsicle had a lot of options, I just used a few typing: gifsicle --delay 20 --colors 64 --loop then dragging 11 single frame gifs into the terminal window to add them typing -o fight.gif This looks pretty messy but hitting return gives me a gif fight in the current directory (500).



The next idea I had was to have several fights going on at the same time. For this I needed to make a set of images made up of 4 of the original images in a 2×2 grid.

There is a commandline application montage 2 that is installed as part of ImageMagick This can be installed via a download or with homebrew (or macports). Homebrew will take care of installing any dependencies as it goes.

Basic use of montage might be:
montage -tile 2x -geometry +0+0 5055069.jpg 5055123.jpg 5055228.jpg 5055280.jpg montageexample.jpeg

If you were in a folder containing images named 5055069.jpg, 5055123.jpg, 5055228.jpg and 5055280.jpg the -tile 2x parameter tells montage to make a 2x wide grid, -geometry +0+0 means there is no gsap between images and seems to stop the auto thumbnailing.
This gives you an image like this:


But I want to go through the images creating lots of different sets of 4 images. I don’t want to do this by hand.

By this time I am a fair way out of my comfort zone and need to scrape my memory and google a bit. What I need is xargs.

I am still in the folder with all the 500 pixel versions of the jpgs. First I make a new folder for the montages mkdir mont.

ls *.jpg | xargs -n 4 sh -c 'montage -tile 2x -geometry +0+0 "$0" "$@" mont/"$0" '

The first bit: ls *.jpg , just get a list of all of the jpg files, and the pipe, |, sends it to xargs.
The -n 4 means that xargs uses sets of four out of the list, sh creates a command for these sets which is:

'montage -tile 2x -geometry +0+0 "$0" "$@" mont/"$0" '

The “$0” “$@” just lists the set of 4 images, I did some testing with

ls *.jpg | xargs -n 4 sh -c 'echo "$0" "$@" '

To figure that out.

I end up with a set of jpgs with a different grid of 2×2 images in a folder.

Screen Shot 2015-10-19 at 15.01.35

I delete the single one at the end and now I can make a gif with sips and gifsicle, repeating the process above:





I tweaked the colour pallet in fireworks for this last one, getting rid of the white borders.

There is a lot more to explore in this, I am starting to test gifsicle’s dither and colors options and will probably post a bunch of tests soonish of the results. I am also wondering if I can do some sort of zoom effect, like a movie zooming out from one fight to a battlefield…

Update: Gifsicle Comparison some tests of gifsicle parameters.

  1. homebrew installs the stuff you need that Apple didn’t. You can get a lot of interesting command line applications using it.
  2. ImageMagick: Command-line Tools: Montage Use the montage program to create a composite image by combining several separate images. The images are tiled on the composite image optionally adorned with a border, frame, image name, and more.




Using Neocities who say We provide free web hosting and tools that allow anyone to make a website. and Neocities will never sell your personal data or embed advertising on your site..

GifDub is a sort of sound and gif mashup using the Giphy Api and Freesound API. The idea is to play several random gifs and audio files at the same time. You can toggle sounds on and off, replace gifs and sounds.

It is fairly silly but has been a lot of fun to put together. I suspect it will not work in Internet Explorer.

A work in progress, I’d like to add some more features and get it working in Internet Explorer.

This is not part of any ds106 assignment but it feels like DS106 to me, and it has gifs #wejamecono.

GifMovie a Plugin

I am much more excited about this than it warrants.

Hopefully just above this text you will see a canvas still image with a play button. Clicking on that should load a gif and an audio loop.

I’ve played with this sort of thing before but this is a bit more serious. A WordPress plugin!

There are a few plugins fro freezing a gif until clicked, the purpose of these is usually to save bandwidth, my plugin certainly does not. What is does in alows you to add a shortcode to a blog post:

[gifmovie gif="gifurl" mp3="mp3url"]

Where gifurl and mp3urls are proper urls.

So the one on this page looks like:

[gifmovie gif="http://johnjohnston.info/106/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/beautifulface-360.gif" mp3="http://johnjohnston.info/106/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/210569__oceanictrancer__119-bpm-house-loop.mp3"]

When the page loads this turns into a img tag with the gif with a data-mp3 attribute equal to the MP3. Some javascript then, hides the gif and creates a canvas element showing a frame. It adds code to handle clicks. These click hide the canvas, show the gif and play the sound.

I’ve been using the plugin for a few prisoner106 posts so am going to count this as a prisoner106 post. It seem to have worked with out any problem. I’d consider it in Beta.

If you are interested in trying out the plugin leave me a comment or send me a DM.

Audio Credits: Freesound.org – “119 bpm house loop” by oceanictrancer licensed under the Creative Commons 0 License.

DS106 GiF TV Needs You

I don’t think I am going to make many of my targets for credits in prisoner106 this week. Friday and I’ve not watched any of the footage yet.

I’ve stayed in my Village apartment watching the DV. More specifically DS106 Gif TV.

I though it might be time to write a bit here about that. It is really a bit of silliness based on another bit of silliness. It started here: Gif Scraping and a DS106 Gif API. The DS106 Gif API is behind DS106 Gif TV. It is not a well designed or performant api, not surprising really.

Anyway the TV is fed from the API. At the moment we pull in a number of blogs and feeds. I’ve just added the prisoner 106 feed. This has its own special channel along with a custom button (Thanks to Andrew for helping get the channel and the button which I mangled).

As I say the API is not all that well designed, so there will be duplication, but I don’t think that matters as you watch a random stream of gifs while listening to DS106 Radio.

The are currently 1769 gifs in the API but we need more. DS106 GiF TV needs you. It may be that you are already feeding into the api, you can see the list of sources at the bottom of the page: DS106 Random Gif API.

If not you can contribute your gifs by, 1. sending me an RSS feed to scrape, or 2. Joining the DS106 Gif Gallery Tumblr and adding gifs to that. Sen me a DM on twitter @johnjohnston for either option.

Slow Subterranean Blues


Think that I might need some credits this week as I need some digging tools from the store. So I had a look through the assignment bank and found this:
ds106 Assignments: Sound to Visual with 3 credits.

Using creations you have already completed in #ds106 – select an audio project you were happy with and build upon it to create a video. Do not change or add any audio. Challenge yourself to create the images your sound story conveys. Use the sound effects story assignment or an audio commercial from your radio work. Use found or created video and stills that tell your story. Push it a step further and show how sound may not always convey the images you think it represents (extra stars).

The challenge is to use some audio already created to make a video. I decided to up the anti/or make it easier by using images I’d already made from The Prisoner too.

I’ve been weirdly captivated by both the stretched sounds and strange images I’ve found in The Prisoner. To an fevered imagination they might hint at the dark side of the shiny sixties exterior. Unless I am miss-remembering the TV of my youth The Prisoner explored some deeper territory than, say, The Man from Uncle. Perhaps this video hints at that.

I’d already got the audio and had generated a lot of images layering and mixing stills from some episodes. I decided on using Hammer into Anvil – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia as the psychological battle seemed fitting.

Creating the ‘movie’ was simply a matter of previewing the images and choosing some (from thousands). Dragging them into iMovie along with the MP3 and doing some editing.

I am not wholly convinced about the improvements in recent versions of iMovie. I like the move at around version 7 or 8 away from the original style but think my favourite was 9.

Anyway to edit I really only did a little rearranging, sped up the slowed down sound at some points changed the images order and Ken Burns panning and inserted some transitions. I’d say the end effect is reasonably disturbing is a slow sort of way. The effect I was hoping to make.