Every Story Tell a Picture

For the Headless Group Radio Show I’ve been working with Rochelle and Seth.
I think I originally proposed this:

Thinking of stories with little narrative, without conclusions, that put a picture in your mind. Perhaps stories from your family, your people with little detail… Perhaps some other idea…

But our discussions roamed far and wide. We worked out the story on a google doc and a couple of skype calls. It turned out the stories and ideas we had in mind chimed in all sort of interesting ways, family, cross generational stories, memory which you can hear about after we put the audio up. We will be playing it live at 8:30pm UK time, 24th August, round about lunch time across the USA. I’ll leave any discussion of the content and concepts till then.
The last time I did this task, we worked in a very different manner, all on a google doc, no skype, then members of the group recorded segments and Mike put them together within a overarching narrative with voice links as if we were all elements of a radio show, ( Impending Zombie Apocalypse).
This time we all produced voice fragments, but it was left to Rochelle to put these together, when you hear the show I think you will understand why, we rely on a wonderful piece of music by Rochelle and her daughter and Rochelle’s musicality.
The way the audio came together we felt breaking it up with a commercial in the middle would not be a great idea, so decided to create separate ‘commercial’ for the piece. Here is mine.

Audio Player

I put this together with GarageBand from short snippets of the audio from our show. Like the show it relies on Rochelle’s rendition of “Comes a Time”, it also uses an idea Seth introduced on skype of voices emerging from a crowd, the crowd created by layering our voices, this appealed to my liking for dub.

One thought on “Every Story Tell a Picture”

  1. John, this is fabulous! I really like the idea of putting together a crowd that emerges from your voices. The repetition of “comes a time” in the middle is quite effective, I think. Inspiring!

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