Capture/Screenshot a scene from an episode of a TV show or a movie and try to make a poster for that episode or movie. Try to make it cool! Be creative! Making it suspense can be a good one!
from: ds106 Assignments: Scene Poster
Export frames from episode with ffmpeg:
ffmpeg -i 'Hammer into Anvil.m4v' -r 1 -f image2 HammerintoAnvil/HammerintoAnvil-%4d.jpg
Nearly 3000 images
Combining images 10 at a time using subtract:
ls *.jpg | xargs -n 10 sh -c 'convert "$0" "$@" -evaluate-sequence subtract sub/"$0" '
Results in 291 images.
Opened one in FireWorks, takes frames of prisoners photo being typed over, from these frames:
Added a layer using the resigned card. Deleted the background from that layer leaving the text.
Text Later, interpolated, with a stroke filter.
Added the second last frame again to emphasise the face a little.
Added text picking the colour from elsewhere on the image.
Export to jpg.
I am quite interesting in the effect of combining and layering images automatically. Some hint at psychological layers that are darker than the colours used in the series.
Takes quite a lot of HD space up, but I think there are few more stories to be extracted. Especially later in this episode where number 2 and 6 are trying to get inside each other’s heads.