I’ve been here before but a couple of wiggles jumped out of the photos app today.
Both were photos that the phone decided to take HDR photos and I’ve set it to keep a ‘normal’ one two. I’d obviously moved enough in the fraction of a second that separated the two images in each case. arrow-keying through the photos previewed me the wiggles. So:
- Export
- Open in fireworks
- Copy one image
- Make a new state and paste in.
- Export as Gif.
On the Hawthorn berries I did a quick copy of the sky from the first frame to the second to keep the background a little stiller.
A bit late for #tdc2098 We’re All Changing | The (new) Daily Create
I love the happy surprise of wiggles…. If I try to do it on purpose – never seems to work. I have found that I get far more than I used to from having my photos auto back up to Google Photos. The assistant puts them together. That and creating animations out of my burst mode photos. Sometimes just enough incentive to take the creation and refine it on my own – so seemingly the same you experience. Something about GIF creation still is a bright shiny object I like to chase.
Serendipity wins every time:-)
The berrys kinda look 3D now. Wonderful.