A full moon between to trees. - Victoria Park as the sun went down this evening. Full moon. ...
Loch Humprey in the mist. A thin peninsula arcs out from the left. Everything hazy. Conifers can be seen at the far side of the loch.Silent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
A long exposure shot of a tiny burn, small waterfall, mossy rocks, sticks, - #silentSunday ...
Loch Humphrey Burn. A burn with 2 visiable waterfalls flows down a small valley. It is winter, the ground is moslty old grass and heather. The colours brown & yellow.Silent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
Marlborough Mansions tenements at nightSilent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
Black and white photo of the new moon between to pollarded treesThe new moon in the old moon’s arms - The new moon in the old moon’s arms ...
photograph from the beach on a calm day strip of sand in the foreground Next a strip of water follwed by another thinner strip of sand the sea behind is limped, 3 poles and a large buoy are visiable Bening the outline of hills a pale sky The whole picture os paleSilent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
Triggerfish? - Wondering what kind of fish this is? Found on Barassie beach. Small mouth with teeth. Big spike on head. Maybe a triggerfish? ...
montage of 5 photos and a map from top left: raindrops on grass stalks, hazel catkins, yellow lichen, lichen grey & yellow, beech trees from below, bare of leaves. Map with walk in read. short walk in the rain near Cochno - https://www.flickr.com/photos/troutcolor/albums/72177720313768880/ Short walk around lunchtime near Cochno, dreich, drizzle & rain, good to be out. ...
Early morning bullrushes - Not that early, it gets light quite late a the moment. First bright day in a while. Ardinning was golden this morning. ...
Beech Trees from Below. Bare brances a grey sky.Silent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
Jelly Ear fungi on dead looking elderberry trunk.Jelly Ear fungi - Jelly Ear fungi ...
crab apples on branches and twigs covered with snow. - #SilentSunday ...
Stonechat sitting on snowy branch. more snooy branches in background. - I've had an unpleasant virus for the past 6 or 7 weeks. So I'ver not been out much apart from going to work. It seems to be departing so I got a first wee walk in ages around a snowy… ...
A bright yellow leaf, possible oak, is supended in ice along with other duller leaves and pond weed.Silent Sunday - #SilentSunday ...
3x3 grid montage. 8 photos surrounding a map of where they were taken. From Top Left: Sloes; view over woods down Clyde estuary; ivy seed heads; stonechat;map;harebell;raven;hawthorn bush; old house from backKilpatrick Braes Autumn - Short walk on Braes, last harebells & yarrow, blackberries & heather finished except for few bell heathers still purple. First redwings in the hawthorn. ...
pixie cup lichen and moss on a old postpixie cup lichen - #SilentSunday ...

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