Walk to Greenside Reservoir-Walk to Greenside reservoir this afternoon. Quite a few midge bites. Lots of seeds floating around. Goldfinches on the thistles, a sparrow hawk passed, lots of dragonflies on the path. Quite a few butterflies, mostly peacocks, odd green veined white… ...
Walk to Greenside Reservoir-We had a nice walk up to Greenside Reservoir this afternoon. Blue skies & clouds with a fair breeze. Lots of sees, thistles & rosebay all the way. lots of angelica & meadowsweet too. Plenty of butterflies, green veined whites,… ...
Peacocks-I am beginning to see more peacock butterflies again, this one and more at Old Kilpatrick yesterday. ...
-Between Beinn Bhrec & Ben Reoch Deer grazing, 50 yds ahead, I stop for a couple of snaps, they move off slowly, pausing. In front of me a fawn approaches to 20 yards, then stops & stares. I watch a… ...
Muir flora-Flora on Kilpatrick muir, At the back, common ling & bell heather. Some blaeberry leaves poking through. At the front, yellow bedstraw, harebells, yarrow, willow herb. Grasses with seed heads, Yorkshire fog and others. ...
ImageMagick B&W Ravens-Playing around, ChatGPT got me to black and white. I use ImageMagick occasionally, for tasks I repeat a lot (mapgrids for example) I'll not learn much of it. ChatGPT may speed up my simple needs. convert ravens.jpg -threshold 30% -fill… ...
Kilpatrick Braes Walk-Took a short walk on the braes this morning. Lotos of interesting birds around. #nature ...