Here are all of the gifs just played.
Clicking Start will start a slideshow of 20 gifs, that will last 20 seconds(or your selection) each. The gifs will be a random selection from the 'DS106 Random Gif API', the challenge would be to improvise a incoherent presentation from gifs you have never seen. Escape will get you out of fullscreen, reloading the page will give a new set of gifs.
pechaGif is inspired by the pechaflickr by Alan Levine @cogdog.
pechaGif has a lot less under the hood than pechaflickr, there are no options only 2 options!
I cannot imagine that anyone would be crazy enough to use this, but some folk have. The main purpose is to give an example for the equally useless DS106 Random Gif API.
sindresorhus/screenfull.js for the fullscreen.