Liked On Digital Gardening, Blogs, and Knowledge (
Email is a powerful tool, but it feels like using a shovel to cut down a tree.

Macdrifter is one of my favourite mac blogs. Disappeared for a while and recently sprung back to life. I noticed through the power of RSS.

This post takes a look at digital gardening and looks at some of the elements of IndieWeb & blogging I am interested in.

Stars, favorites, reading lists,bookmarks, notes, playlists, and the whole mess of podcasts, is exhausting to keep track of, let alone keep alive and healthy.


I think I want to return to this old-fashioned concept of blogging for Macdrifter. I want to worry less about “reviewing” things and more about leaving tasty breadcrumbs.

There is a nice list of blogs and blog types at the end too. Really glad to see this feed come alive again.

Read ( )

Read: Cunning Women: A feminist tale of forbidden love after the witch trials by Elizabeth Lee ★★★☆☆ 📚 I enjoyed this well enough, unlikely plot, felt a bit like a young adult book.

Lots of cuckoos calling this morning, caught glimpse of a few. Lots of other birdsong. Warm, sunny the best of the day and still didn’t meet a soul. Sweet Woodruff and bluebells under the trees. It clouded over a bit, but we saw a couple of Small Heath butterflies. A jay.

Replied to a tweet by The Infinite Herd (Twitter)

Let's Rebuild Utopia ( make a zine, use digital tools too, dream the world better! )

I love how the great ideas here, Let’s Rebuild Utopia, can be used at any level of education. You can bring these tertiary activities into the primary classroom. My class love making wee books and I’ve seen some nice blackout poetry from other classes.

Listened Ep 9: Something for a Monday: Exploring the beauty and authenticity of informal professional learning conversations, finding community and belonging through #TeachMeet networks from
In this episode I talk with Mags Amond, a retired post-primary school teacher and PhD candidate, about her research on a form of informal continuous professional development among teachers all over the world.  It is called TEACHMEET where teaching professi...

Very interested to listen to this one. Mags’ phd on TeachMeet covers some interesting territory.

I’d love to hear more on the transitions to online only events. I was surprised to hear they feel authentic. I’d also like to hear more about the links to open.

I’ve been out of theTeachMeet loop for a while, as far as I know they have all but vanished from the Scottish scene. It was exciting to get caught up.