
I had a great day at Communicate.06, thanks to Ewan for inviting me (and for organising the whole thing etc. etc.)

Peter Ford gave a great keynote ending with a performance of Taylor Mali‘s poem (MP3 of Taylor Mali reading the poem) I am sure Ewan had a mp3 of Peter reading on his blog, but I can’t find it.

Peter quoted me, which made me feel pretty good:

In the education timeline blogs have only been around for a millimeter or so. The possibilities are endless and many still to be discovered. It seems to me far to early to decide what a blog should or should not be used for. Certainly no one should be laying down rules just yet.

Modern Languages teachers seem pretty nice too, even though I don’t speak their language.

The thing that Peter said that interested me most was …every now and then be creative… .

As well as giving a really entertaining/educational keynote, he dotted lots of is and crossed the ts of using ict in an adventurous way, letting us know that it is ok to do just a bit.

There was also a group of student, who where associated with PIE recording video and audio very unobtrusively in the background. I guess they have be involved in quite a lot of creative ICT, they did an excellent job of providing a video to close the conference and a great example of well judged confidence when they were speaking (I hope some of that confidence comes from the creative use of ict).

The really great thing about how the conference was arranged was the built in extended support that will be available to the folk attending on the MFLE site which fits in well with Peter’s Why I am not a blogvangelist? post and Ewan’s busy schedule of getting into schools (example on his blog ) to do the podcasting business. I came away with the idea that the Modern Foreign Language teachers would really take this on.

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