The Village Web Club

After all the commotion last night I was surprised to hear from the General this morning. She asked me to set up a new club. I was even more surprised to here the general taking over the morning announcements.

You should be able to hear the talk by clicking the image above, in case you can’t here is the transcript:

Good morning villagers, This is the General. Before we start today’s program of music there is some news and an announcement. The loud bang heard yesterday evening should not cause concern, and we strongly recommend you do not ask any questions about it. The Speed Learn program has been suspended and we are initiating a Group Learn project in it’s place. The Group learn project will start with the Village Web Club. Villagers are invited to join the club and learn together. This new style of learning requires no previous knowledge on the part of learners. There will be no teachers, no Guru and no method. Check out to find out more.

I’ve already got an account on the club, my home page is up.

The Village Web Club gives some basic information to get villagers started with the basics, as the general says we can all help each other get going. I hope the club will be popular as I suspect we can get some credits using it. Some people have also started a rumour that beneath the club there may be secret layers out of the Rover’s way. I am not going to discuss that here.

3 thoughts on “The Village Web Club”

  1. I’m in! I saw you and Mariana chatting about this a while back and poked around a little. Nice to know where to go to find my way into this little rabbit hole.


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