Flower Fire Power

August 2013 GIF Challenge #8: Add Some Flower Power GIF from I am Talky Tina (I wonder where 7 went), lead me to revisit some old gun gifs, this one turned out best. The original gif may be from The Killers.


Keeping up with Tina’s challenges by the skin of my teeth.

3 thoughts on “Flower Fire Power”

  1. Hi, True Friend John!

    You see? That is a much nicer idea of people getting shot with a bouquet of nice, fragrant daisy flowers with a perfume smell and them saying “oh, you got me with flowers” and them smiling instead of them getting riddled with bullets and them being all covered with blood and them saying, “ah, you got me ….” And then they are dead.

    So that is the power of Flower Power!

    Well, bye!

  2. This is great artistically; the b&w gun contrasted with the colorful flowers, no distracting background. And it’s a timeless theme, weapons producing good. Swords into plowshares. I’m reminded of the classic Vietnam war protest of 1967 and the image of flowers being inserted in gun barrels. Brave protesters, nervous National Guards, same generation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flower_Power_(photograph).

    Flower Power to the People, Right On!

  3. Thanks folks,
    Bill I was thinking about those images, also of many giffers fascination with guns. I’ve giffed a fair few guns from movie clips myself. A bit conflicted about that.

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